Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Marking off Tasks ... Done!

Lately it seems that most of the blogs I regularly read are currently focused on organization and tackling various "to do" lists.  To all of you I say, "Thank you".  You have inspired me to tackle a few areas of my own home that have been neglected during the past few months.

In addition to my regular tasks of home schooling, preparing meals, cleaning the kitchen, laundry, caring for livestock, dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing bathrooms, etc.; here's what I accomplished today.

** I wrote our annual family newsletter, with photos.  For those who know me personally, it should arrive inside your upcoming Christmas card.

** I made up our guest room and it is now ready for Christmas visitors.  I will only have to do some touch up dusting and vacuuming the day of any scheduled arrivals.

** I added hanging hardware to some artwork and hung it in the guest room.

**I also cleaned out and re-organized my scrap booking and gift wrap closet.  I am now ready and organized for Christmas gift wrapping.  

**The biggest job of all was my sewing closet.  For some reason, our children believe that all their unwanted belongings are supposed to be stuffed into my sewing closet.  It had become so full, I couldn't even open the door all the way, much less find any of my sewing or craft supplies.  I'm obviously not sewing or crafting often enough these days.  If I were, the children wouldn't have gotten away with cramming it so full.

Sewing Closet - BEFORE
Sewing Closet - AFTER
After school lessons tomorrow, the youngin's will have to clean their rooms as I returned all their unwanted items that I found in my sewing closet.  Don't worry, I've already locked the sewing closet door so they can't get back in there.


  1. Looks wonderful!!!
    You work fast.
    I can no longer work so fast.
    Truly I like seeing what other have done.
    All the best,

    1. Hello Deanna,
      Thank you for stopping by. I no longer work as fast I used to either. Ask anyone who knows me personally, they'll tell ya that back in my prime I'd have accomplished at least 3 times this amount of work - maybe four times as much. Now days I just plod along until I finish a task and then move on to the next - sometimes it takes me more than one day to finish anything - hee! hee!

  2. Dear Mrs. B,

    I giggled when I read about your sewing closet and the state it was in. We have a big walk in closet in the back guest room that has become the "black hole" for everything. I opened the door to it yesterday to go in and get the Christmas decorations out and found a mountain of boxes and baskets blocking my path in the there. Since I am still not allowed to lift anything heavy, I will have to wait until this weekend for my husband to help dig things out. You would think that there would not be so much stuff in there since we just did a major purge of it. I'm convinced that there is some kind of "bunny behavior" going on in there with the stuff because it just seems to keep on multiplying! ;)

    Be blessed!


    1. Oh my Debbie, I had to laugh out loud when I read your comment. I often think there's "bunny behavior" happening in my entire house too! ... it seems that no matter how much stuff I toss out or take to the donation center, the stuff left behind just keeps multiplying and growing!

      Blessings to you and yours,

  3. Great job! I love how you hung your skeins of yarn.

    1. Thanks Georgene ... When we lived down home in east Texas, we stuffed 6 people into a very small house with tiny bedrooms. I quickly learned that vertical storage is my best friend; especially when one has 3 boys sharing an 8 1/2 x 9 foot bedroom.



Thank you for taking time to read my blog and leave a comment. I try my best to respond to each one. God Bless You, Mrs.B