Friday, November 15, 2013

A Busy Life

Although I've shared a few short posts with you, my dear readers, regarding our garden harvests, putting foods by and such, I've not shared any photos about some of  the littles' summer activities - the ones that kept me away from you.
EJ and his newly sheared lamb, Looney Tunes, at county fair weigh-in.

OG and her newly sheared lamb, Lucy, at the sonogram station - checking muscle depth.

EJ participating in his first dummy roping ... these outings always bring on excessive begging for a horse.

EJ posing with his 2nd place prize - a saddle blanket.  Since he has a saddle & now a blanket, I suppose he really does need a horse to go with them ... no wonder he's always begging for one.

Bath Time!  Wool Light gets the lambs snow white before fair. 

OG practicing for her shooting sports rifle competitions.

OG & our family dog, Samson in the showmanship arena.  OG and Sam won 4-H Grand Champions for showmanship AND obedience this year!

EJ and Piper in the showmanship arena.

EJ and Looney Tunes at the lamb judging competition.

Here's OG with Lucy in the lamb judging competition.

EJ with his 4-H ribbons and posters.  He won 5 blue ribbons and 3 red ribbons this year.

OG posing with her 4-H ribbons and posters.  She won 1 Grand Champion plaque,  3 Best in Shows, 9 blues and 1 red this year.
Yes, county fair and 4-H is a lot of work, especially the couple weeks before fair and the four 14 hour days of fair.  However, I find it beneficial to our home schooling family because our children learn so many things.  They learn attention to detail, perseverance, responsibility for others (animals & people), record keeping, application of learned math skills, business skills, active participation within a community, science and its application, success & failure, the importance of volunteering ... this list could go on and on.

Of course up here on the northern plains, garden harvesting and county fair occur simultaneously adding to the business of it all. 

Blessings to you and yours ...

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