Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bow-Wow, Baaa & HooRay!

There has been quite a bit happening around the B homestead.  EJ has been pestering me to post some photos of Piper, his black & tan hound.  She is growing so much and so fast - I didn't realize she would grow as big as it appears she will.

Piper playing w/ EJ's inner tube

 Can you say Baaa?  EJ and OG purchased their 4-H lambs 11 days ago.  They are CRAZY about them.  I am already wondering how they will ever let the sheep go to market - but to market they must go.  Anyone who knows me personally will be SHOCKED to find out that the lamb crib is in our basement.  Yes, that's right, I am housing livestock inside my home!  That means I have officially been transformed into a farm girl.  Of course it's only temporary.  As soon as the lambs are a little older and can stand the cold night time temps our region gets this time of year, they will be relocated to the unheated, non-electric barn.
EJ & Lucy

Lucy & Looney Tunes w/ little Oscar nudging in for a bottle too.
Most importantly, we have a new U.S. Airman in the family.  Mrs.A's oldest daughter just graduated from Air Force Basic Training.  Our entire family is so very proud.  We both have children who have/are serving as U.S. Sailors and U.S. Airmen.  I can't help but wonder if any of our remaining younger children will also serve in our nation's military.


  1. Finally some pictures of piper!! EJ isn't the only pestering you. Thank you so much for the brag on our big girl! If she saw those lambs she may have decided to come and be a farm girl with you. LOL!

    Love you,
    Mrs. A

  2. Hey Mrs.A,

    Those lambs are cute aren't they?! You know MA is welcome up here anytime - Lord knows we have enough room for her and the rest of your clan in this old farm house.
    We miss you all sooo much!


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