Monday, August 25, 2008

Waste Not Want Not

When I was a girl, my grandmother was always saying, "Waste not, want not". I am one of those people who took the words of past generations to heart. I am known for taking scraps of just about everything you can think of and and finding new use of them. If I'm not creating something new out of leftovers, I'm usually saving the leftovers because, "I might need them someday" or "Maybe I could use this for ... ".
Most recently, I made this crib sized granny square Afghan out of some scrap yarn. I wish the lighting for the photo was better so you could see how the black makes the other colors "pop". "Scrap-a-ghans", as I like to call them, are one of my favorite projects. Not only can I use up my leftover yarn but they are easy to make. After finishing a project, I simply make granny squares out of the leftovers and store them in my crochet basket. When I have enough granny squares for a crib sized or full size Afghan, I stitch them together, and crochet a ruffle around the edges. In no time at all I have a scrap-a-ghan!
I am not sure who this little crib sized scrap-a-ghan will go to but, I'm sure the Lord will bring a little one across my path soon.
(Note: This scrapaghan was recently donated to our church craft bazaar. The money raised will be used by the Women's Ministries.)


  1. How pretty. I would love to learn to crochet but I never found anyone that could teach me. ***sigh** Maybe one day.



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