I am sure many of you saw this ( http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100921/ap_on_re_us/us_world_s_oldest_man ) article on the yahoo news today. If you didn't, it is worth a "click" and short read. The gentleman pictured at right is named Walter Breuning. He was born in 1898, that makes him 114 years old.
As I read this story, I thought of Mr. B's wonderful grandmother who as born in 1912. I also thought of all the history Mr. Breuning and Granny, as we all liked to call Mr. B's grandmother, experienced through out their lives.
I always enjoyed visits with Mr. B's Granny, because she always had so many first hand accounts of history to tell. She was also eager to share not only the events but also the mood and thoughts of her generation and culture during the many changes she witnessed. Sometimes I think I garnished more from her, regarding 20th century history, than from all the stacks of history books I've read.
Since I lived a significant portion of my childhood with my own grandmother, who was 60 years my senior, I've always held our older generations in high esteem. Many of them have a wisdom, a hind sight, and of course experiences that all of us could learn from, if we'd only allow them teach us.
If you have an elder in your family or neighborhood, I urge you to spend some time with them. I promise as they share their life's history and perspective, you will be abundantly blessed with a wealth of knowledge and information you never expected to receive.