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Sunday, July 1, 2018

"Where Oh! Where Has That Little Dog Gone?"

She's been abandoned and has no one to help her !!  Not really ... but throughout the past year our life in Eastern Montana has been rapidly changing.  So much so, I can hardly keep up.  As most of you know, Songbird has flown the coop and gone off to college.  This summer she decided not to come home but, instead, go to Billings for work.  Farmer Boy is headed off to military school in Dillon.  With those two gone, Mr.B and I are now solely responsible for all our farm work. Of course Mr.B still works out of town most of the time and I continue to work at the local café three days per week.  Talk about a busy life!

As busy as my life is (no time for boredom around here), I've still managed to squeeze in some fun and a few projects.  I'm not going to share about the projects today, but I am going to share about the FUN!

My darling sister, Mrs.A, is now an empty nester whose children, like ours,  are scattered across the U.S.  That's why she takes an annual Mother's Day trip.  AAAND because I'm her most favorite person in the world, she often squeezes in a few days at our home.  We had the most WONDERFUL visit.  I can not express how much I love having her with me.

What did we do? We went on a day hike in Theodore Roosevelt National Park!  We had so much fun and I, of course, never tire of the beautiful landscapes of the Western North Dakota & Eastern Montana badlands.  Making the trip even more enjoyable; Mr.A joined my sister on her trip this year & our Middle Child was also home for a visit.

I hope you enjoy the photos!

My BEAUTIFUL sister outfitted in her professional hiking gear.

Mr.B didn't want to "hike", so he accompanied us via horseback.

Down in the canyon looking up at the gorgeous striations in the rock formations.

Mr. & Mrs. A enjoying the unique scenery & cool temperatures.

Me in my paradise!

Yes, that's a buffalo ... No, they are NOT friendly.

My sister, the pro hiker ... me, the "let's just go do it" hiker.

Middle Child atop the vista!

Mrs.A, Mr.A & Middle Child overlooking the majestic Missouri River.

I'll be back soon with photos of the lovely landscaping project Mrs.A designed for our home.  Until next time ... 


  1. Nice photos!
    Glad to see you back online : )

    1. Good Evening Jo,
      I am glad to be back on-line also. I hope to hear more from you.

  2. Oh how fun to have your sister, BIL and your middle child come for a visit. I'm with Mr. B, I would have been riding the horse too. ;)

    1. Hi Debbie,
      We had such a fun day! Upon first starting out, I was worried the 5 mile trek would be too much for me, as I am not an avid hiker like Mrs.A. However, between my work at the cafe and the farm, I found myself in better condition than I anticipated ... the hike was a breeze and I enjoyed all the beauty the badlands has to offer.


Thank you for taking time to read my blog and leave a comment. I try my best to respond to each one. God Bless You, Mrs.B