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Friday, May 27, 2011

On The Hunt ...

Within two weeks of moving into our temporary housing, we reved up our search for a new home.  Up here in the extreme north, one generally has only 5 months to search for / sell a home.  During the rest of the year everything is either under a thick blanket of snow or very soggy from the spring snow melt, also known as "mud season".
If we don't find what we are looking for by the end of summer most of our house hunting will be over until late next spring.  Through our 2 1/2 year search, we've learned that occasionally, one or two homes may come on the market during the winter months, but it is rare.
So far, for us anyway, the internet seems to be the most effective method of searching for prospects, especially since the towns are extremely small, and many miles apart.  A couple weeks ago when we drove down to see a home about 100 miles south of us, the process took nearly all day.  Also, because the communities are so small the realtors only notify buyers of prospective listings through their own agency - they absolutely will not search competitor's listings on your behalf (our welcome to small town politics).  It's all very weird and leaves most of the "leg work" on the buyer's shoulders.

However, after searching for just the right place for 2 1/2 years (our first trip up was Oct. 2008), Mr. B and I found a place we think will work for our family.  Last week we made an offer AND yesterday the seller accepted!!!

The whole process is not a "done deal" just yet.  We still have to make it through the inspections and the appraisal, but it seems we may be on our way to moving into a new home.

You know, yesterday as I went before the Lord with thanksgiving, I first had to repent for my lack of faith and for allowing discouragement to settle into my heart.  Mr. B's job transfer and our move has been a long drawn out process.  When Mr. B first came up here we never imagined our family would be separated by 1,600 miles for more than 2 years.  When the littles and I were visiting during the summer of 2009, we found what we thought would be the perfect home for our family, but we continually ran into all sorts of road blocks and almost a year later we withdrew our offer.  After finishing the remodel work on our home in Texas, we found out I had to have surgery to correct a birth defect in my heart that was progressively getting worse.  When we FINALLY put our home up for sale, the market was so depressed, it took 9 months to sell.  These detours and the separation, took a toll on me, emotionally and spiritually.  Fortunately, we serve a merciful God who is willing and waiting to grant forgiveness, so He can generously bless us.
Although I knew God was in control, I was unable to see where He was taking us, an awful feeling for anyone who is a control freak, like me.  Of course God knows that - He was giving me an exercise in faith.  Why would He do this?  To make me stronger, to teach me another lesson in depending on Him.  He desires to be our everything.  He desires us to fully trust and depend on Him, just as a newborn fully trusts and depends on his/her mother.

The home we put an offer on is more than I ever dreamed we'd be blessed with.  BUT, as mentioned above, it is not yet a done deal, so I'm going to keep you all guessing and report updates as they unfold.  Time moves at a slower pace up here and as of right now we are looking at a closing date in early August.  Won't you join us in our praise and thanksgiving to the Lord?


  1. O'h how we are blessed with our merciful God.He does do things in "his "time and that has been proven, you have stayed obedient in your impatience and strong and faithful and loving to your Lord and he will reward you bountifully.Praise you God for your love of this family .Stay strong and i look forward to hearing more.xx

  2. Praising and praying with you. This post brings to mind James 1:2-6. We shall persevere with faith. Now, out of the houses you showed us in this post, which is the one you made an offer on :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I always look forward to hearing from you.

  3. Hi Carole & Vickie,

    Thank you for stopping by and abundant thanks for the prayers and good wishes.

    Regarding which house from the photos did we make an offer on? Well, that's a suprise that I'll reveal when it gets closer to moving day.


  4. Hello Mrs B,

    I pray that now you have found the home you want, everything will run smoothly. A great time to start planning how and where your bits and pieces will fir into each room. A very exciting time indeed.

    Blessings Gail

  5. Hello Mrs B,

    I pray that now you have found the home you want, everything will run smoothly. A great time to start planning how and where your bits and pieces will fir into each room. A very exciting time indeed.

    Blessings Gail

  6. Hey B Family! I sure miss your smiling faces & hugs! So, happy about your home findings & will pray it will come thru quicker than August. I am curious about which one. The brick is the "safe" choice; the tall giant seems like it might would take a bit to keep warm...but the view could be a real
    drawing; & the cabin...well it looks more homey & warm. Guess I'll have to wait & see!!! Prayers & Love. We need J's military photo & address; should have gotten before you left...but you know the words of my Daddy "a day late & a dollar short!"

  7. Hi Motherhenami!!

    So glad to log in and see such a warm note. I will mail JP's photo and address to the church. He has been notified that he will be deployed within the next month. Please keep him in y'alls prayers.
    We love and miss you guys too!


Thank you for taking time to read my blog and leave a comment. I try my best to respond to each one. God Bless You, Mrs.B