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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Well, folks .... It seems like every time I begin making plans to return home, something comes up and delays my plans. It now looks like we won't be returning home until mid-September. While waiting for God's perfect timing on our return home, the little one's and I will drive out west and have a visit with my dad. Yes, he's finally returned from Alaska and is very excited about seeing a couple of his grandchildren ... Oh! Yeah, he also says he's excited about visiting with me too.

We have thoroughly enjoyed our time up here in the Northwest farmland, but we will have a most GRAND time out at Dad's. He lives about 7 miles up a mountain, off-grid, in a log cabin. I'll get to cook breakfast on his wood stove, the evenings will be spent visiting and reading by oil lamps, my nightly bath will be taken in a HUGE cast iron claw foot soaking tub, and I'll fall asleep with the scents of evergreen pines and woodsmoke in the the night air. Although my general daily tasks will take a little longer to complete because of the lack of electricity, there is a comfort, peace and relaxation I have yet to find anywhere else. Not only is Dad's cabin located in a visually beautiful setting, it is also a beautiful place to hear and smell. Even the air feels like heaven upon one's skin.

Our Lord has so abundantly blessed us with a summer filled with all sorts of beauty. I am very excited about the opportunity He has given me to spend time in the majestic mountains He created for our enjoyment.

I'd like to say, "See you all soon", but it's beginning to seem like every time I say that, we get delayed. SOOOO instead, I'll say, "See you all by and by".



  1. Your Dad's home sounds so peaceful. I am so glad that although your return has been delayed, that you will be able to see your Dad before returning home. What a blessing in disguise. Have a safe and wonderful time.

    ~Mrs. M

    P.S. I admit, I am a little jealous of his off-grid living and your being able to experience time in it.

  2. Mrs. M,
    Thank you for the well wishes. Living off-grid is most certainly something to be a little jealous of ... most of the time. There are, of course, a few drawbacks. We depart tomorrow and I'm certainly excited because we don't get to visit often enough.
    I'll most definately include time spent at Dad's cabin in future posts upon returning home.

  3. I certainly can not argue with that. You deserve to enjoy every moment you can get with your Dad and your Heavenly Father. I miss you and love you and can't wait to see you. Tell your Dad I said Howdy! Take lots of pictures and tell the youngin's I love them.

    -Mrs. A

  4. Mrs.A,

    I so wish you were able to come with us. I know you'd enjoy the relaxation as much as I will. We miss you and look forward to seeing you soon.

  5. I miss you so much it's hard for me to remember that it is not all about me. So, with that in mind, enjoy every remaining day of your vacation and when it is time to return know that your friends are waiting with antcipation to see you and the kids again.
    Luv ya girl, Tia

  6. Oh, your dad's cabin sounds like a place I would LOVE to go to!! You are very blessed indeed. Enjoy!

  7. Ladies,

    Thank you for all the warm wishes.

    We've had to shorten our visit to Dad's cabin because Mr.B is experiencing a health problem. If he comes to mind, please take a moment to pray for him.

    Thank you,

  8. I just found your blog and hope you post soon. It looks lovely and full of great information!

    Mrs. White

  9. Dear Mrs. White,

    Welcome, welcome. I am so glad you had an opportunity to stop by. I pray your visit was a blessing and I look forward to "seeing" you again once we return home and I have an opportunity to post more often.

    Thank you for stopping by,

  10. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Hope all is well.

    ~Mrs. M


Thank you for taking time to read my blog and leave a comment. I try my best to respond to each one. God Bless You, Mrs.B