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Monday, August 10, 2009

I know we've been away for quite a long time, but we are planning to return home at the end of the month! I will certainly mourn leaving crisp cool mornings, warm sun drenched afternoons, the innocence of small town life and the refreshing clean air filled with the scents of lilac and canola flowers. I am ready to return to my cozy, little home, a regular routine and all the loving and supportive friends the Lord has placed in my life. This summer has been one that I will enjoy reflecting upon for many years to come.

Upon returning home, I am very excited about sharing many of the photos I've taken while on this summertime journey. Our Lord has blessed us so abundantly with a land of beauty that words can't express. Our photos do not begin to compare to the majesty of seeing these sites with one's own eyes, hearing the sounds of the wind, streams and wildlife with one's own ears or inhaling the clean air filled with the fragranced perfume of nature.

Ahhh, my friends ... I pray that you too will one day, very soon, enjoy the blessing of the world God has created for our pleasure. Yes, that's right ... He created all this earth for us. It was created to stimulate all our senses and provide us with a glimmer of His glorious majesty.

Looking forward to seeing you all soon,


  1. Oh I can't wait for your safe return back home and to see and hear about all the glorious things you did this summer. be safe and welcome home...well, almost home. *grin*

    ~Mrs. M

  2. I am so looking forward to seeing all you have to share with us!!

  3. Thank you my friend for you-know-what!
    I am responding within the week, my friend! :)


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